
INRAE Montpellier



Campus La Gaillarde Institut Agro - INRAE, bâtiment 12, 2 place Viala
34060 Montpellier Cedex 2, Montpellier, France
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  • Chercheur INRAE (Institut Nationale de Recherche en Agriculture, Alimentation et Environnement) depuis 1986 – actuellement DREX (Directeur de Recherche de Classe Exceptionnelle) UMR ECO&SOLS (Unité Mixte De Recherche Ecologie Fonctionnelle & Biogéochimie des Sols & Agroécosystèmes), CIRAD-INRAE-Institut Agro-IRD Montpellier (France) http://www.umr-ecosols.fr/en/
  • Chef de Département AgroEcoSystem (INRAE) et Directeur UAR (Unité d’Administration de la Recherche) 1155 de 2018 à 2022 https://www.inrae.fr/departements/agroecosystem
  • Directeur-Adjoint Ecole Doctorale GAIA, UM (Université de Montpellier) – SupAgro de 2011 à 2018
  • Directeur-Adjoint UMR ECO&SOLS de 2009 à 2018
  • Visiting Scientist Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, UWA-University of Western Australia, Perth (Australie) en 1993-1994
  • Doctorant Unité de Sciences du Sol UCL- Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgique) en 1987-1988 et à INRA UFR Science du Sol Montpellier en 1986-1990


Biogéochimie du sol et de la rhizosphère – Cycles biogéochimiques du phosphore et du potassium – Ecologie des racines et de la rhizosphère – Nutrition minérale des cultures – Altération des minéraux – Agroécologie – Approches d’expérimentation au champ et en conditions contrôlées


Mes recherches se situent à l'interface des Sciences du Vivant et de l'Environnement, travaillant sur la rhizosphère et la biogéochimie des sols en relation avec la nutrition des plantes. Mes recherches passées ont porté notamment sur la compréhension des processus déterminant l’acquisition de nutriments majeurs tels que K et P par les plantes, et plus particulièrement les interactions entre les racines et le sol au niveau de la rhizosphère. Je m’y suis intéressé particulièrement dans le contexte d’agricultures à bas niveaux d’intrants. Mes recherches passées ont également porté sur le rôle de ces mêmes processus dans le déterminisme de la biodisponibilité de micropolluants comme Cu, Zn et le radiocésium dans des situations de pollution diffuse de sols agricoles. Celles-ci ont débouché sur l’élaboration d’un biotest normalisé par l’ISO, le RhizoTEST (marque déposée). Les recherches que je conduis depuis une quinzaine d’années s’inscrivent dans le grand enjeu de la transition agroécologique de l’agriculture et portent notamment sur les processus d’utilisation et de partage des ressources souterraines, en particulier les nutriments majeurs, dans des agroécosystèmes plus diversifiés : mélange de variétés, cultures associées et systèmes agroforestiers. Je m’intéresse particulièrement aux traits racinaires et rhizosphériques sous-jacents chez les espèces cultivées, et à leur diversité inter- et intra-spécifiques. Mes travaux actuels portent aussi sur les spécificités des racines profondes, jusqu’ici très peu étudiées dans le monde, malgré leur rôle potentiellement important en contexte de changement climatique et d’usage modéré d’intrants.

Publications récentes – pour la liste complète: https://cv.hal.science/philippe-hinsinger

Boudsocq, S., Cros, C., Hinsinger, P., Lambers, H. 2022. Changes in belowground interactions between wheat and white lupin along nitrogen and phosphorus gradients. Plant and Soil 476, 97-115

Guillot, E., Bertrand, I., Rumpel, C., Gomez, C., Arnal, D., Abadie, J., Hinsinger, P. 2021. Spatial heterogeneity of soil quality within a Mediterranean alley cropping agroforestry system: Comparison with a monocropping system. European Journal of Soil Biology 105, 103330

Battie-Laclau, P., Taschen, E., Plassard, C., Dezette, D., Abadie, J., Arnal, D., Benezech, P., Duthoit, M., Pablo, A.L., Jourdan, C., Laclau, J.P., Bertrand, I., Taudière, A., Hinsinger, P. 2020. Role of trees and herbaceous vegetation beneath treesin maintaining arbuscular mycorrhizal communities in temperate alley cropping systems. Plant and Soil 453, 153-171

Thorup-Kristensen, K., Halberg, N., Nicolaisen, M., Olesen, J.E., Crews, T.E., Hinsinger, P., Kirkegaard, J., Pierret, A., Dresboll, D.B. 2020. Digging Deeper for Agricultural Ressources, The Value of Deep Rooting. Trends in Plant Science 25, 406-417.

Guillot, E., Hinsinger, P., Dufour, L., Roy, J., Bertrand, I. 2019. With or without trees: Resistance and resilience of soil microbial communities to drought and heat stress in a Mediterranean agroforestry system. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 129, 122-135.

Erel, R., Bérard, A., Capowiez, L., Doussan, C., Arnal, D., Souche, G., Gavaland, A., Fritz, C., Visser, E.J.W., Salvi, S., Le Marié,, C., Hund, A., Hinsinger, P. 2017. Soil type determines how root and rhizosphere traits relate to phosphorus acquisition in field-grown maize genotypes. Plant and Soil 412, 115-132. 

Gérard, F., Blitz, C., Hinsinger, P., Pagès, L. 2017. Modelling the interactions between root system architecture, root functions and reactive transport processes in soil. Plant and Soil 413, 161-190.

Pradier, C., Hinsinger, P., Laclau, J.P., Bouillet, J.P., Guerrini, I.A., Gonçalves, J.L.M., Asensio, V., Abreu-Junior, C.H., Jourdan, C. 2017. Rainfall reduction impacts rhizosphere biogeochemistry in Eucalypts grown in a deep Ferralsol in Brazil. Plant and Soil 414, 339-354.

Gaba, S., Lescourret, F., Boudsocq, S., Enjalbert, J., Hinsinger, P., Journet, E.-P., Navas, M.-L., Wéry, J., Louarn, G., Malézieux, E., Pelzer, E., Prudent, M., Ozier-Lafontaine, H. 2015. Multiple cropping systems as drivers for providing multiple ecosystem services: from concepts to design. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 35, 607-623.

Tang, X., Bernard, L., Brauman, A., Daufresne, T., Deleporte, P., Desclaux, D., Souche, G., Placella, S., Hinsinger, P. 2014. Increase in microbial biomass and phosphorus availability in the rhizosphere of intercropped cereal and legumes under field conditions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 75, 86-93.

Blossfeld, S., Schreiber, C., Liebsch, G., Kuhn, A. J., Hinsinger, P. 2013. Quantitative imaging of rhizosphere pH and CO2 dynamics with planar optodes. Annals of Botany 112, 267-276.

Peñuelas, J., Poulter, B., Sardans, J., Ciais, P., van der Velde, M., Bopp, L., Boucher, O., Godderis, Y., Hinsinger, P., Llusia, J., Nardin, E., Vicca, S., Obersteiner, M., Janssens, I. A. 2013. Human-induced nitrogen-phosphorus imbalances alter natural and managed ecosystems across the globe. Nature Communications 4

Betencourt, E., Duputel, M., Colomb, B., Desclaux, D., Hinsinger, P. 2012. Intercropping promotes the ability of durum wheat and chickpea to increase rhizosphere phosphorus availability in a low P soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 46, 181-190.

Jouvin, D., Weiss, D.J., Mason, T.F.M., Bravin, M., Louvat, P., Zhao, F., Ferec, F., Hinsinger, P., Benedetti, M.F. 2012. Stable isotopes of Cu and Zn in higher plants : evidence for Cu reduction at the root surface and two conceptual models for isotopic fractionation processes. Environmental Science & Technology 46, 2652-2660.

Devau, N., Hinsinger, P., Le Cadre, E., Colomb, B., Gérard, F. 2011. Fertilization and pH effects on processes and mechanisms controlling dissolved inorganic phosphorus in soils. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75, 2980-2996.

Hinsinger, P., Betencourt, E., Bernard, L., Brauman, A., Plassard, C., Shen, J., Tang, X., Zhang, F. 2011. P for Two, Sharing a Scarce Resource: Soil Phosphorus Acquisition in the Rhizosphere of Intercropped Species. Plant Physiology 156, 1078-1086.

Bravin, M.N., Tentscher, P., Rose, J., Hinsinger, P. 2009. Rhizosphere pH gradient controls copper availability in a strongly acidic soil. Environmental Science and Technology 43, 5686-5691.

Dessaux, Y., Hinsinger, P., Lemanceau, P. 2010. Rhizosphere: Achievements and Challenges. Berlin, Springer Science, 538 p.

Devau N., Le Cadre E., Hinsinger P., Jaillard B., Gérard F. 2009. Soil pH controls the environmental availability of phosphorus: Experimental and mechanistic modelling approaches. Applied Geochemistry 24, 2163-2174.

Hinsinger, P., Bengough, A.G., Vetterlein, D., Young, I.M. 2009. Rhizosphere: biophysics, biogeochemistry and ecological relevance. Plant and Soil 321, 117-152

Michaud, A.M., Bravin, M.N., Galleguillos, M., Hinsinger, P. 2007. Copper uptake and phytotoxicity as assessed in situ for durum wheat (Triticum turgidum durum L.) cultivated in Cu-contaminated, former vineyard soils. Plant and Soil 298, 99-111.

Hinsinger, P. 2001. Bioavailability of soil inorganic P in the rhizosphere as affected by root-induced chemical changes : a review. Plant and Soil 237, 173-195

Hinsinger, P., Fernandes Barros, O.N., Benedetti, M.F., Noack, Y., Callot, G. 2001. Plant-induced weathering of a basaltic rock : experimental evidence. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 65, 137-152.

Hinsinger, P., Gilkes, R.J. 1996. Mobilization of phosphate from phosphate rock and alumina-sorbed phosphate by the roots of ryegrass and clover as related to rhizosphere pH. European Journal of Soil Science 47, 533-544.

Hinsinger, P., Jaillard, B. 1993. Root-induced release of interlayer potassium and vermiculitization of phlogopite as related to potassium depletion in the rhizosphere of ryegrass. Journal of Soil Science 44, 525-534.


English version

Positions held

  • Researcher at INRAE (Institut Nationale de Recherche en Agriculture, Alimentation et Environnement) since 1986 – now Senior Scientist, i.e. DREX (Directeur de Recherche de Classe Exceptionnelle) UMR ECO&SOLS (Unité Mixte De Recherche Ecologie Fonctionnelle & Biogéochimie des Sols & Agroécosystèmes), CIRAD-INRAE-Institut Agro-IRD Montpellier (France) http ://www.umr-ecosols.fr/en/
  • Head of Division AgroEcoSystem Division of INRAE and Head of UAR (Unité d’Administration de la Recherche) 1155 from 2018 to 2022 https://www.inrae.fr/departements/agroecosystem
  • Deputy Director GAIA Doctoral School, UM (University of Montpellier) – SupAgro from 2011 to 2018
  • Deputy Director UMR ECO&SOLS from 2009 to 2018
  • Visiting Scientist Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, UWA-University of Western Australia, Perth (Australia) in 1993-1994
  • PhD student Soil Science Unit UCLouvain – Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) in 1987-1988

Disciplines and scientific domains

Soil and rhizosphere biogeochemistry – Phosphorus and potassium biogeochemical cycles – Root and rhizosphere ecology – Crop mineral nutrition – Mineral weathering – Agroecology – Experimental approaches in field and controlled conditions  


My research lies at the interface of Life Sciences and Environmental Sciences, working on the rhizosphere and soil biogeochemistry in relation to plant nutrition. My past research has focused in particular on understanding the processes determining the acquisition of major nutrients such as potassium and phosphorus by plants, and more particularly the interactions between roots and soil at the rhizosphere level (soil volume influenced by the activities of living roots and associated microorganisms). I have worked on such topics particularly in the context of low-input agriculture. My past research activities have also focused on the role of such processes in determining the bioavailability of micropollutants such as copper, zinc and radiocaesium in situations of diffuse pollution of agricultural soils. These led to the development of a biotest standardized by ISO, the RhizoTEST (trade mark). The research I have been conducting for the past fifteen years is contributing to the major challenge of the agroecological transition of agriculture and relates in particular to processes involved in using or sharing belowground resources, in particular major nutrients, in more diversified agroecosystems: mixture of varieties, intercropping and agroforestry systems. I am particularly interested in the underlying root and rhizosphere traits in crop species, and their inter- and intra-specific diversity. My current research focuses in particular on the specificities of deep roots, so far little studied in the world, despite their potentially important role in the context of climate change and moderate use of inputs.


Selected publications - for full list: https://cv.hal.science/philippe-hinsinger


Boudsocq, S., Cros, C., Hinsinger, P., Lambers, H. 2022. Changes in belowground interactions between wheat and white lupin along nitrogen and phosphorus gradients. Plant and Soil 476, 97-115

Guillot, E., Bertrand, I., Rumpel, C., Gomez, C., Arnal, D., Abadie, J., Hinsinger, P. 2021. Spatial heterogeneity of soil quality within a Mediterranean alley cropping agroforestry system: Comparison with a monocropping system. European Journal of Soil Biology 105, 103330

Battie-Laclau, P., Taschen, E., Plassard, C., Dezette, D., Abadie, J., Arnal, D., Benezech, P., Duthoit, M., Pablo, A.L., Jourdan, C., Laclau, J.P., Bertrand, I., Taudière, A., Hinsinger, P. 2020. Role of trees and herbaceous vegetation beneath treesin maintaining arbuscular mycorrhizal communities in temperate alley cropping systems. Plant and Soil 453, 153-171

Thorup-Kristensen, K., Halberg, N., Nicolaisen, M., Olesen, J.E., Crews, T.E., Hinsinger, P., Kirkegaard, J., Pierret, A., Dresboll, D.B. 2020. Digging Deeper for Agricultural Ressources, The Value of Deep Rooting. Trends in Plant Science 25, 406-417.

Guillot, E., Hinsinger, P., Dufour, L., Roy, J., Bertrand, I. 2019. With or without trees: Resistance and resilience of soil microbial communities to drought and heat stress in a Mediterranean agroforestry system. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 129, 122-135.

Erel, R., Bérard, A., Capowiez, L., Doussan, C., Arnal, D., Souche, G., Gavaland, A., Fritz, C., Visser, E.J.W., Salvi, S., Le Marié,, C., Hund, A., Hinsinger, P. 2017. Soil type determines how root and rhizosphere traits relate to phosphorus acquisition in field-grown maize genotypes. Plant and Soil 412, 115-132. 

Gérard, F., Blitz, C., Hinsinger, P., Pagès, L. 2017. Modelling the interactions between root system architecture, root functions and reactive transport processes in soil. Plant and Soil 413, 161-190.

Pradier, C., Hinsinger, P., Laclau, J.P., Bouillet, J.P., Guerrini, I.A., Gonçalves, J.L.M., Asensio, V., Abreu-Junior, C.H., Jourdan, C. 2017. Rainfall reduction impacts rhizosphere biogeochemistry in Eucalypts grown in a deep Ferralsol in Brazil. Plant and Soil 414, 339-354.

Gaba, S., Lescourret, F., Boudsocq, S., Enjalbert, J., Hinsinger, P., Journet, E.-P., Navas, M.-L., Wéry, J., Louarn, G., Malézieux, E., Pelzer, E., Prudent, M., Ozier-Lafontaine, H. 2015. Multiple cropping systems as drivers for providing multiple ecosystem services: from concepts to design. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 35, 607-623.

Tang, X., Bernard, L., Brauman, A., Daufresne, T., Deleporte, P., Desclaux, D., Souche, G., Placella, S., Hinsinger, P. 2014. Increase in microbial biomass and phosphorus availability in the rhizosphere of intercropped cereal and legumes under field conditions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 75, 86-93.

Blossfeld, S., Schreiber, C., Liebsch, G., Kuhn, A. J., Hinsinger, P. 2013. Quantitative imaging of rhizosphere pH and CO2 dynamics with planar optodes. Annals of Botany 112, 267-276.

Peñuelas, J., Poulter, B., Sardans, J., Ciais, P., van der Velde, M., Bopp, L., Boucher, O., Godderis, Y., Hinsinger, P., Llusia, J., Nardin, E., Vicca, S., Obersteiner, M., Janssens, I. A. 2013. Human-induced nitrogen-phosphorus imbalances alter natural and managed ecosystems across the globe. Nature Communications 4

Betencourt, E., Duputel, M., Colomb, B., Desclaux, D., Hinsinger, P. 2012. Intercropping promotes the ability of durum wheat and chickpea to increase rhizosphere phosphorus availability in a low P soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 46, 181-190.

Jouvin, D., Weiss, D.J., Mason, T.F.M., Bravin, M., Louvat, P., Zhao, F., Ferec, F., Hinsinger, P., Benedetti, M.F. 2012. Stable isotopes of Cu and Zn in higher plants : evidence for Cu reduction at the root surface and two conceptual models for isotopic fractionation processes. Environmental Science & Technology 46, 2652-2660.

Devau, N., Hinsinger, P., Le Cadre, E., Colomb, B., Gérard, F. 2011. Fertilization and pH effects on processes and mechanisms controlling dissolved inorganic phosphorus in soils. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75, 2980-2996.

Hinsinger, P., Betencourt, E., Bernard, L., Brauman, A., Plassard, C., Shen, J., Tang, X., Zhang, F. 2011. P for Two, Sharing a Scarce Resource: Soil Phosphorus Acquisition in the Rhizosphere of Intercropped Species. Plant Physiology 156, 1078-1086.

Bravin, M.N., Tentscher, P., Rose, J., Hinsinger, P. 2009. Rhizosphere pH gradient controls copper availability in a strongly acidic soil. Environmental Science and Technology 43, 5686-5691.

Dessaux, Y., Hinsinger, P., Lemanceau, P. 2010. Rhizosphere: Achievements and Challenges. Berlin, Springer Science, 538 p.

Devau N., Le Cadre E., Hinsinger P., Jaillard B., Gérard F. 2009. Soil pH controls the environmental availability of phosphorus: Experimental and mechanistic modelling approaches. Applied Geochemistry 24, 2163-2174.

Hinsinger, P., Bengough, A.G., Vetterlein, D., Young, I.M. 2009. Rhizosphere: biophysics, biogeochemistry and ecological relevance. Plant and Soil 321, 117-152

Michaud, A.M., Bravin, M.N., Galleguillos, M., Hinsinger, P. 2007. Copper uptake and phytotoxicity as assessed in situ for durum wheat (Triticum turgidum durum L.) cultivated in Cu-contaminated, former vineyard soils. Plant and Soil 298, 99-111.

Hinsinger, P. 2001. Bioavailability of soil inorganic P in the rhizosphere as affected by root-induced chemical changes : a review. Plant and Soil 237, 173-195

Hinsinger, P., Fernandes Barros, O.N., Benedetti, M.F., Noack, Y., Callot, G. 2001. Plant-induced weathering of a basaltic rock : experimental evidence. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 65, 137-152.

Hinsinger, P., Gilkes, R.J. 1996. Mobilization of phosphate from phosphate rock and alumina-sorbed phosphate by the roots of ryegrass and clover as related to rhizosphere pH. European Journal of Soil Science 47, 533-544.

Hinsinger, P., Jaillard, B. 1993. Root-induced release of interlayer potassium and vermiculitization of phlogopite as related to potassium depletion in the rhizosphere of ryegrass. Journal of Soil Science 44, 525-534.

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