ird barthesIngénieur de Recherche

IRD Montpellier




IRD, UMR Eco&Sols
Campus La Gaillarde Institut Agro - INRAE - Bat 12 - 1er étage
2 place Viala - 34060 Montpellier
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En poste à l’IRD à Cayenne (Guyane), Brazzaville (Congo), Pointe-Noire (Congo), et Montpellier

Habilité à diriger des recherches (Université Montpellier 2)

Docteur (Montpellier SupAgro)

Ingénieur agronome (Ecole nationale supérieure agronomique de Rennes)


Usage et gestion des sols, matière organique du sol, comportement physique du sol (agrégation, ruissellement, érodibilité, érosion)

Applications de la spectroscopie infrarouge en science du sol


2024a- Barthès B.G., Venkatapen C., Cambou A., Blanchart E. Soil organic carbon content and stock in Martinique – relations to near infrared spectra. European Journal of Soil Science 75: e13453 (IF=4.2). DOI: 10.1111/ejss.13453; hal-04479321 open access

2024b- Cambou A., Houssoukpèvi I.A., Chevallier T., Moulin P., Rakotondrazafy N.M., Fonkeng E.E., Harmand J.M., Aholoukpè H.N.S., Amadji G.L., Tabi F.O., Chapuis-Lardy L., Barthès B.G. Quantification of soil organic carbon in particle size fractions using a near-infrared spectral library in West Africa. Geoderma 443: 116818 (IF=6.1). DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2024.116818; hal-04499978 open access

2023aBarthès B.G., Cambou A., Chevallier T. Quantifier le carbone organique du sol par spectroscopie infrarouge. Etude et Gestion des Sols 30: 287–305 (pas d’IF).; hal-04515788 open access

2023b- Cambou A., Chevallier T., Barthès B.G., Derrien D., Cannavo P., Bouchard A., Allory V., Schwartz C., Vidal-Beaudet L. The impact of urbanization on soil organic carbon stocks and particle size and density fractions. Journal of Soils and Sediments 23: 792–803 (IF=3.3). DOI: 10.1007/s11368-022-03352-3; hal-03980388

2023c- Chalaux Clergue T., Saby N.P.A., Wadoux A.M.J.C., Barthès B.G., Lacoste M. Estimating soil aggregate stability with infrared spectroscopy and pedotransfer functions. Soil Security 11: 100088 (pas encore d'IF). DOI: 10.1016/j.soisec.2023.100088; hal-04037703 open access

2023d- Chen S., Saby N.P.A., Martin M.P., Barthès B.G., Gomez C., Shi Z., Arrouays D. Integrating spectroscopically inferred soil data improves the accuracy of digital soil mapping. Geoderma 433: 116467 (IF=7.4). DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2023.116467; hal-04102474

2023e- Ramifehiarivo N., Barthès B.G., Cambou A., Chapuis-Lardy L., Chevallier T., Albrecht A., Razafimbelo T. Comparison of near and mid-infrared reflectance spectroscopy for the determination of carbon distribution particle-size fractions of Malagasy soils. Geoderma Regional 33: e00638 (IF=4.2). DOI: 10.1016/j.geodrs.2023.e00638; hal-04117582

2022a- Cambou A., Barthès B.G., Moulin P., Chauvin L., Faye E.H., Masse D., Chevallier T., Chapuis-Lardy L. Prediction of soil carbon and nitrogen contents using visible and near infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy in varying salt-affected soils in Sine Saloum (Senegal). Catena 212: 106075 (IF=5.2). DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2022.106075; hal-03678015

2022b- Gomez C., Chevallier T., Moulin P., Arrouays D., Barthès B.G. Using carbonate absorbance peak to select the most suitable regression model before predicting soil inorganic carbon concentration by mid-infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Geoderma 405: 115403 (IF=6.1). DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2021.115403; hal-03332031

2021a- Cambou A., Allory V., Cardinael R., Carvalho Vieira L., Barthès B.G. Comparison of soil organic carbon stocks predicted using visible and near infrared reflectance (VNIR) spectra acquired in situ vs. on sieved dried samples: synthesis of different studies. Soil Security 5: 100024 (pas encore d'IF). DOI: 10.1016/j.soisec.2021.100024; hal-03541498 open access

2021b- Cambou A., Thaler P., Clément-Vidal A., Barthès B.G., Charbonnier F., Van den Meersche K., Aguilar Vega M.E., Avelino J., Davrieux F., Labouisse J.P., Melo Virginio Filho E., Deleporte P., Brunet D., Lehrer P., Roupsard O. Concurrent starch accumulation in stump and high fruit production in coffee (Coffea arabica). Tree Physiology tpab075 (IF=3.7). DOI: 10.1093/treephys/tpab075; hal-03541540

2020a- Barthès B.G., Chotte J.L. Infrared spectroscopy approaches support soil organic carbon estimations to evaluate land degradation. Land Degradation & Development 32: 310–322 (IF=4.3). DOI: 10.1002/ldr.3718; hal-02936620

2020bBarthès B.G., Kouakoua E., Coll P., Clairotte M., Moulin P., Saby N.P.A., Le Cadre E., Etayo A., Chevallier T. Improvement in spectral library-based quantification of soil properties using representative spiking and local calibration - The case of soil inorganic carbon prediction by mid-infrared spectroscopy. Geoderma 369: 114272 (IF=4.3). DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2020.114272; hal-02534172

2020c- Gomez C., Chevallier T., Moulin P., Bouferra I., Hmaidi K., Arrouays D., Jolivet C., Barthès B.G. Prediction of soil organic and inorganic carbon concentrations in Tunisian samples by mid-infrared reflectance spectroscopy using a French national library. Geoderma 375: 114469 (IF=4.3). DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2020.114469; hal-02890493

2020d- Koussihouèdé H.K.I, Clermont-Dauphin C., Aholoukpè H.N.S., Barthès B.G., Chapuis-Lardy L., Jassogne L., Amadji G.L. Diversity and socio-economic aspects of oil palm agroforestry systems on the Allada plateau, southern Benin. Agroforestry Systems 94: 41–56 (IF=1.2). DOI: 10.1007/s10457-019-00360-0; hal-03150058

2020e- Koussihouèdé H. Aholoukpè H., Adjibodou J., Hinkati H., Dubos B., Chapuis-Lardy L., Barthès B.G., Amadji G.L., Clermont-Dauphin C. Comparative analysis of nutritional status and growth of immature oil palm in various intercropping systems in southern Benin. Experimental Agriculture 56(3): 371–386 (IF=1.7). DOI: 10.1017/S0014479720000022; hal-02954806

2020f- Rodrigues L., Sprafke T., Bokatola Moyikola C., Barthès B.G., Bertrand I., Comptour M., Rostain S., Yoka J., McKey D. A Congo Basin ethnographic analogue of pre-Columbian Amazonian raised fields shows the ephemeral legacy of organic matter management. Scientific Reports 10: 10851 (IF=4.0). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-67467-8; hal-02900508

2020g- Zgouz A., Héran D., Barthès B., Bastianelli D., Bonnal L., Baeten V., Lurol S., Bonin M., Roger J.M., Bendoula R., Chaix G. Dataset of Visible-Near Infrared handled and micro-spectrometers – comparison of their accuracy for predicting some sugarcane properties. Data in Brief 31: 106013 (pas d'IF). DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.106013; hal-02911762

2019a- Allory V., Cambou A., Moulin P., Schwartz C., Cannavo P., Vidal-Beaudet L., Barthès B.G. Quantification of soil organic carbon stock in urban soils using visible and near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (VNIRS) in situ or in laboratory conditions. Science of the Total Environment 686: 764–773 (IF=4.6). DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.05.192; hal-02136840

2019b- Barthès B.G., Kouakoua E., Clairotte M., Lallemand J., Chapuis-Lardy L., Rabenarivo M., Roussel S. Performance comparison between a miniaturized and a conventional near infrared reflectance (NIR) spectrometer for characterizing soil carbon and nitrogen. Geoderma 338: 422–429 (IF=4.3). DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2018.12.031; hal-02625503

2018a- Félix G.F., Clermont-Dauphin C. , Hien E., Groot J.C.J., Penche A., Barthès B.G., Manlay R.J., Tittonell P., Cournac L. Ramial wood amendments (Piliostigma reticulatum) mitigate degradation of tropical soils but do not replenish nutrient exports. Land Degradation and Development 29: 2694–3706 (IF=9.8). DOI: 10.1002/ldr.3033; hal-02316708 open access

2018b- Landré A., Saby N.P.A., Barthès B.G., Ratié C., Guerin A., Etayo A., Minasny B., Bardy M., Meunier J.D., Cornu S. Prediction of total silicon concentrations in French soils using pedotransfer functions from mid-infrared spectrum or pedological characteristics. Geoderma 331: 70–80 (IF=4.0). DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2018.06.007; hal-01904542

2017a- Cardinael R., Chevallier T., Cambou A., Béral C., Barthès B.G., Dupraz C., Durand C., Kouakoua E., Chenu C. Increased soil organic carbon stocks under agroforestry: A survey of six different sites in France. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 236: 243–255 (IF=3.6). DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2016.12.011; hal-01495108

2016a- Barthès B.G., Kouakoua E., Moulin P., Hmaidi K., Gallali T., Clairotte M., Bernoux M., Bourdon E., Toucet J., Chevallier T. Studying the physical protection of soil carbon with quantitative infrared spectroscopy. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 24: 199–214 (IF=1.1). DOI: 10.1255/jnirs.1232; hal-02640486

2016b- Cambou A., Cardinael R., Kouakoua E., Villeneuve M., Durand C., Barthès B.G. Prediction of soil organic carbon stock using visible and near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (VNIRS) in the field. Geoderma 261: 151–159 (IF=2.8). DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2015.07.007; hal-01224957

2016c- Clairotte M., Grinand C., Kouakoua E., Thébault A., Saby N.P.A., Bernoux M., Barthès B.G. National calibration of soil organic carbon concentration using diffuse infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Geoderma 276: 41–52 (IF=2.8). DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2016.04.021; hal-02636962

2016d- Viscarra Rossel R.A., Behrens T., Ben-Dor E., Brown D.J., Demattê J.A.M., Shepherd K.D., Shi Z., Stenberg B., Stevens A., Adamchuk V., Aïchi H., Barthès B.G., Bartholomeus H.M., Bayer A.D., Bernoux M., Böttcher K., Brodský L., Changwen D., Chappell A., Fouad Y., Genot V., Gomez C., Grunwald S., Gubler A., Guerrero Maestre C., Hedley C.B., Knadel M., Morrás H.J.M., Nocita M., Ramirez-Lopez L., Roudier P., Rufasto Campos E.M., Sanborn P., Sellitto V.M., Sudduth K.A., Rawlins B.G., Walter C., Winowiecki L.A., Young Hong S. Ji W. A global spectral library to characterize the world's soil. Earth-Science Reviews 155: 198–230 (IF=7.9). DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2016.01.012; hal-01962141 open access

2015a- Barthès B.G., Penche A., Hien H., Deleporte P., Clermont C., Cournac L., Manlay R.J. Effect of ramial wood amendment on sorghum production and topsoil quality in a Sudano-Sahelian ecosystem (central Burkina Faso). Agroforestry Systems 89: 81–93 (IF=1.2). DOI: 10.1007/s10457-014-9743-0; hal-01419607

2015b- Cardinael R., Chevallier T., Barthès B.G., Saby N.P., Parent T., Dupraz C., Bernoux M., Chenu C. Impact of alley cropping agroforestry on stocks, forms and spatial distribution of soil organic carbon – a case study in a Mediterranean context. Geoderma 259–260: 288–299 (IF=2.8). DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2015.06.015; hal-01269102

2015c- Chevallier T., Hmaidi K., Kouakoua E., Bernoux M., Gallali T., Toucet J., Jolivet C., Deleporte P., Barthès B.G. Physical protection of soil carbon in macroaggregates does not reduce the temperature dependence of soil CO2 emissions. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 178: 592-600 (IF=1.7). DOI: 10.1002/jpln.201400503; hal-01202146

2015d- Nocita M., Stevens A., van Wesemael B., Aitkenhead M., Bachmann M., Barthès B., Ben Dor E., Brown D.J., Clairotte M., Csorba A., Dardenne P., Demattê J.A.M., Genot V., Guerrero C., Knadel M., Montanarella L., Noon C., Ramirez-Lopez L., Robertson J., Sakai H., Soriano-Disla J.M., Shepherd K.D., Stenberg B., Towett E.K., Vargas R., Wetterlind J. Soil spectroscopy: An alternative to wet chemistry for soil monitoring. Advances in Agronomy 132: 139–159 (IF=5.0). DOI: 10.1016/bs.agron.2015.02.002; hal-02641605

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