
CIRAD Montpellier



Cirad, UMR Eco&Sols
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Research interests:

My current research focuses on biogeochemical cycles in tropical forestry ecosystems. I will specialise both on soil-tree nutrient cycles in Eucalyptus spp. plantations, as well in mixed-species indigenous plantations (MataDiv project). These experimental sites are based in Brazil, in the state of São Paulo, in partnership with the University of São Paulo (ESALQ).

My previous research focused on biogeochemical cycling in soil-crop systems during my PhD, with a focus on nitrogen cycling in tropical soil-sugarcane systems in Réunion Island. I subsequently focused on denitrification and N2O emissions in the temperate Danish agricultural landscape, during my Postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Copenhagen.

My studies leading to this research trajectory were in Ecology, at the University of Cape Town (BSc Hons) and at the Université de Montpellier (MSc).


Research Experiences:



Researcher (CR) CIRAD, UMR Eco&Sols. Biogeochemical cycles, and soil-plant nutrition in tropical forestry ecosystems


Postdoctoral research fellow, University of Copenhagen, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management

Limiting N2O hot spots in Danish agricultural soils – linking crop roots and nitrate dynamics to develop new strategies to mitigate trace gases.

PI: Carsten W. Müller


Postdoctoral research fellow, CIRAD UPR Recyclage et Risque

N2O emissions in the context of organic fertilisation application to sugarcane in Réunion Island

PI: Antoine Versini, Frédéric Feder


PhD in Agronomy, CIRAD UPR Recyclage et Risque, Université de La Réunion

The effect of organic fertiliser application on the nitrogen biogeochemical cycle of sugarcane crops in Réunion Island

Supervision: Antoine Versini, Laurent Thuriès


Master’s Degree in Biology, Ecology, Evolution, Université de Montpellier,

Program Functional Ecology and conceptualisation of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.



Poultney, D. M., Thuriès, L., & Versini, A. (2024). Importance of Overlooked Crop Biomass Components in Sugarcane Nitrogen Nutrition Studies. Nitrogen5(1), 62-78.

Elberling, B.B., Kovács, G.M., Hansen, H.F.E., Fensholt, R., Ambus, P., Tong, X., Gominski, D., Mueller, C.W., Poultney, D.M. and Oehmcke, S. (2023). High nitrous oxide emissions from temporary flooded depressions within croplands. Communications Earth & Environment4(1), p.463.

Poultney, D. M. N., Christina, M., & Versini, A. (2020). Optimising non-destructive sampling methods to study nitrogen use efficiency throughout the growth-cycle of giant C4 crops. Plant and Soil453, 597-613.

Versini, A., Poultney, D.M.N., Bachir, H., Fevrier, A., & Paillat, J. (2020). Effect of nitrogen fertilisation on sugarcane root development and nitrogen accumulation in ratoon crops of Reunion Island. Sugar Tech22, 1110-1121.

Poultney, D.M.N., Versini, A., Detaille, C., Feder, F., & Thuriès, L. (2019). Contribution of organic fertilisers to nitrogen nutrition in sugarcane and nitrate leaching in sugarcane agroecosystems in Réunion. ISSCT Proceedings Paper.

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