Soil scientist
IRD Madagascar
IRD, UMR Eco&Sols, Laboratoire des RadioIsotopes, BP 3383, Route d'Andraisoro, 101 Antananarivo, Madagascar
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Téléphone : +261 (0)32 47 126 74
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- Since 2015 : Hosted in the Laboratoire des Radio-Isotopes (Antananarivo, Madagascar)
- Since 2012 : Chargé de Recherches (Junior Scientist) at IRD Eco&Sols (Montpellier, France)
- 2010-2012 : Post-doctoral soil microbiology (Esitpa, Agri’Terre, Rouen, France)
- 2006-2010 : PhD in soil ecology (University of Rouen, France)
- 2005-2006 : Master Ecology & Environment (University Paris Sud Orsay)
I’m a soil functional ecologist working on biological regulation on key ecosystems functions:
- organic matter decomposition,
- nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) recycling,
- microbial activity and composition,
- plant growth and nutrition,
- plant tolerance against pests.
Currently, I’m studying the soil microbial loop (i.e. the effect of soil bacteria-bacterivore interactions on plant performances) in upland rice agro-ecosystem in Madagascar where I’m assigned since February 2015. I currently coordinate the projects INDICE (Agropolis Funding) and BAC-RIP (EC2CO funding).
2016. Trap J., Bonkowski M., Villenave C., Plassard C, Blanchart E. Ecological importance of soil bacterivores for ecosystem functions. In press in Plant & Soil
2015. Forey E., Trap J., Aubert M. Liming still impacts beech leaf traits and litter decomposition 15 years after amendment. Forest ecology management. 353:67-76.
2014. Becquer A., Trap J., Irshad U., Ali MA., Plassard C. From soil to plant, the outward journey of P through trophic relationships and ectomycorrhizal association. Front. Plant Sci. 5:548.
2014. Perez G., Decaëns T., Aubert M., Trap J., Chauvat M. Home-field advantage effect: a matter of interaction between litter quality and decomposer biota. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 67:245-254.
2013. Trap J., Hattenschwiler S., Gattin I., Aubert M. Forest ageing: An unexpected driver of beech leaf litter quality variability in European forests with strong consequences on soil processes. Forest Ecology & Management. 302:338-345
2013. Trap J., Bureau F., Perez G., Aubert, M. PLS-regressions highlight litter quality as the major predictor of humus forms shifts along forest maturation. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 49:1-3
2012. Trap J., Riah W., Akpa M, Bailleul C., Laval K., Gattin I. Improved effectiveness and efficiency in measuring soil enzymes as universal soil quality indicators using microplate fluorimetry. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 45:98-101
2011. Trap J., Bureau F., Brêthes A., Jabiol B., Ponge J-F., Decaëns T., Aubert M. Do litter production or decomposition rates responsible for moder development along a 130-yr-old chronosequence of pure beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) stands? Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 43:1-8
2011. Trap J., Laval K., Akpa-Vinceslas M., Gangneux C., Decaëns T., Aubert M. Changes in soil microbial community biomass and function along a pure b2eech forest chronosequence. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 43:1553-1562
2011. Chauvat M., Trap J., Perez G., Delporte P., Aubert M. Changes within soil springtails assemblages across a 135-yr chronosequence of beech forest. Soil Organisms, 83:405-418