ChevallierTiphaineSoil scientist

IRD Montpellier




IRD, UMR Eco&Sols, Montpellier SupAgro,bâtiment 12, 2 place Viala
34060 Montpellier Cedex 2, France
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Studies in agronomy and a thesis on Soil Sciences (Montpellier SupAgro) led me to study the dynamics of soil organic matter, i.e. the effects of changes in soil use and climate change on soil organic matter stocks. My aims are to understand the main mechanisms for organic carbon sequestration in soils. I use the natural temporal and spatial variability of soil properties and experimental manipulations to estimate the vulnerability of agroecosystems to global climate change.

Over the past few years, I have spent an increasing amount of time on the distribution of scientific studies to the non-academic public. I am the webmaster for the Eco&Sols website, scientific video adviser and author of a soil biodiversity game (cf. § publication).


Chevallier, T., Woignier, T., Toucet, J. and Blanchart, E., 2010. Organic carbon stabilization in the fractal pore structure of Andosols. Geoderma, 159: 182–188.

Blaud, A., Lerch T.Z., Chevallier T., Nunan N., Chenu C., and Brauman A. 2012 Dynamics of bacterial communities in relation to soil aggregate formation during the decomposition of 13C-labelled rice straw. Applied Soil Ecology 53:1-9.

Hamdi, S., T. Chevallier, and M. Bernoux. 2012. Testing the application of an agronomic concept to microbiology: A degree-day model to express cumulative CO2 emission from soils. European Journal of Agronomy 43:18-23.

Hamdi, S., F. Moyano, S.N. Sall, M. Bernoux, and T. Chevallier. 2013. Synthesis analysis of the temperature sensitivity of soil respiration from laboratory studies in relation to incubation methods and soil conditions. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 58: 115-126.

Chevallier, T., Hmaidi, K., Kouakoua, E., Bernoux, M., Gallali, T., Toucet, J., Jolivet, C., Deleporte, P., Barthès, B.G., 2015. Physical protection of soil carbon in macroagrgétes does not reduce the temperature dependence of soil CO2 emissions. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 178, 592-600.

Cardinael, R., Chevallier, T., Barthès, B., Saby, N., Parent, T., Dupraz, C., Bernoux, M., Chenu, C., 2015. Impact of alley cropping agroforestry on stocks, forms and spatial distribution of soil organic carbon - A case study in a Mediterranean context. Geoderma 259-260, 288-299.

Kinoshita, R., Roupsard, O., Chevallier, T., Albrecht, A., Taugourdeau, S., Ahmed, Z., van Es, H.M., 2016. Large topsoil organic carbon variability is controlled by Andisol properties and effectively assessed by VNIR spectroscopy in a coffee agroforestry system of Costa Rica. Geoderma 262, 254-265.

Yemadje, P.L., Guibert, H., Chevallier, T., Deleporte, P., Bernoux, M., 2016. Effect of biomass management regimes and wetting-drying cycles on soil carbon mineralization in a Sudano-Sahelian region. Journal of Arid Environments 127, 1-6.

Diakhaté S., Gueye M., Chevallier T., Diallo N. H., Assigbetse K., Abadie J., Diouf M., Masse D., Sembène M., Ndour Y. B., Dick R. P., and Chapuis-Lardy L. 2016 Soil microbial functional capacity and diversity in a millet-shrub intercropping system of semi-arid Senegal. Journal of Arid Environments 129, 71-79.

Non academic publications

Bernoux M. et Chevallier T., 2014. Carbon in dryland soils. Multiple essential functions. Dossier thématiques du CSFD (Comité Scientifique Français de la Désertification). N°10. Download the English or the French version on

Chevallier T., Blanchart E., Guellier C., Sapijanskas J., Bispo A., Arrouays D. 2014 The hidden life of soils. Happy families game.  42 cards and a educational booklet. Editor French Ministry of Environment. In French ( In English

Chenu C., Chevallier, T. 2015 Les sols au coeur des effets du changement climatique, Biofutur 371, 27-28

Chevallier T., Cardinael R., Béral, C., Chenu C., Bernoux M. 2015 L’agroforesterie permet-elle de concilier production agricole et atténuation du changement climatique ? Forêt Entreprise 225, 49-54

Food security and climate change. Farmers in Madagascar adopt agro-ecological practices, Luc Markiw, IRD, FFEM, 2015 8 min 13 (scientific advisors T. Chevallier, E. Blanchart, M. Bernoux)

Food security, agroecology and climate change. Farmers in northern Togo take action Luc Markiw, IRD, FFEM, AVSF, UNCCD 2015 6 min 29 (scientific advisors T. Chevallier, M. Bernoux)

Soils for food security and climate (2015). SYDO. 3'30. Produced by IRD, Cirad, Inra and Cgiar. Canal IRD. (Scientific advisors: Chevallier, T., Chotte, J-L., Saint-Macary, H., Soussana, J-F., Vidal, A.)



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