
CoffeeFlux EcosolsMeasuring and modelling carbon, nutrients, water and sediment Ecosystem Services in an agroforestry coffee watershed (Costa Rica)







Coffee-flux is a platform where collaborative research on coffee agroforestry is promoted: data are being shared between collaborators and positive interactions are enhanced. The philosophy is to concentrate several investigations on one specific site and for several years, to share a useful common experimental database, to develop modelling and to publish results in highly-ranked scientific journals. Applied research is also highly encouraged (e.g. C-Neutral certification, NAMA, Agronomy, etc.). Coffee-Flux benefits from infrastructure, easy access from CATIE and very good security, ready to welcome complementary scientific investigations and collaborations. The project is wide open to complementary projects, scientists and of course to students. The core data base is for sharing.

The aim of Coffee-Flux is to assess carbon, nutrients, water and sediment Ecosystem Services (ES) at the scale of a coffee agroforestry watershed. Observation, experimentation, modelling and remote-sensing are combined, collecting data and calibrating models locally, then upscaling to larger regions. The project has been running continuously since 2009, in order to encompass seasonal and inter-annual fluctuations of coffee productivity and ecosystem services.



First Results

 For more informations, e.g. first results from all collaborators, download PDF File


The Coffee-Flux Plateform beneficits financial supports from CATIE, Aquieres Farm and Cirad and from projects, such as MACCAC, SAFSE, ECOSFIX


Olivier Roupsard, Eco&Sols, CIRAD Costa Rica
email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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